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THE coronavirus?

Colloidal Silver Beats Coronavirus: the Clinical Documentation



The first half of the article documented the number of fake “viral pandemics” we’ve had in the past 15 years.

And the second half of the article documented the clinical evidence for the effectiveness of colloidal silver against the coronavirus.


It was a very long article. So, in case you missed the documentation for silver’s clinically-proven effectiveness against coronavirus, plus my thoughts on how much colloidal silver to take for coronavirus, here’s an excerpt from the second half of the article, with some newly-learned details added to it:



Can Colloidal Silver Kill The Coronavirus?


Since the killer Chinese coronavirus is said to be relatively new, having only recently mutated from snakes, bats and mice to the point it could infect humans,

there’s quite literally zero scientific info as to whether colloidal silver (or anything else, for that matter) would work against it.


But…colloidal silver has been known to work against a number of other deadly coronaviruses. So let’s take a look at what the existing literature says:


According to Herbert Slavin, M.D., founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Medicine, Lauderhill, Florida:


“…A study at the University of Arizona recently showed ionic silver to be effective against the coronavirus that researchers use as the surrogate for SARS.”


SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The coronavirus behind SARS produces the same kind of potentially deadly respiratory syndrome as caused by

the new Chinese coronavirus. According to a Business Wire article about the study:


“The study tested various ionic silver and copper levels to determine if they were effective against the human coronavirus strain 229E, a strain commonly used

as a surrogate for the SARS virus in laboratory research.


The research demonstrated significant reductions of the virus within 1 hour (90 percent) and reduced virus levels to below the detection limit following 24 hours

of exposure (99.99 percent).”


Wow. In this study, the researchers saw a 90% reduction in coronavirus levels within the first hour, and a 99.99% reduction within 24 hours.


“This research demonstrates that ionic silver has the potential to deactivate viruses in a relatively short period of time.”


– Jeff Trogolo, Ph.D., chief technology officer, AgION Technologies, Inc.


That’s actually quite amazing. So now we know for sure that the ionic form of colloidal silver – aka electrically generated colloidal silver – works against at

least one extremely serious form of coronavirus.


That’s heartening, right? But it’s certainly not all we have to go on. Let’s keep digging:



Viral Pathogens and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Oligodynamic Ag1 for Direct Immune Intervention


At the above link you’ll find a retrospective study of silver-based therapeutics and their effects on viruses, published in the Journal of Nutritional & Environmental

Medicine (June 2003).


The authors concluded that even with the SARS coronavirus, “swift reduction of viral loads” could be achieved using “oligodynamic Ag1” (i.e., electrically generated

colloidal silver). Here’s what they stated:


“State-of-the-art, electrolytically produced ‘oligodynamic’ Ag1…offers distinct advantages and versatility of use over older and cruder formulations.


Possessing much smaller, subnanometer-sized particles, greater electrical potential and lower concentrations, it is more bio-available than other formulations.


Efficacy against the SARS-related coronavirus, for example, may be enhanced when nebulized Ag1 is inhaled. This should achieve swift reduction of viral loads,

 especially in the early stages.”


As you can see, the study authors recommend using the ionic form of colloidal silver, with a nebulizer, so it can be atomized into a mist and easily inhaled into

the lungs. After all, the coronavirus is a respiratory virus.


So if you’d like to learn more about using colloidal silver in a nebulizer in order to get silver particles into your respiratory system during times of cold or flu

(or coronavirus threat), see the following article and short video:



Using Colloidal Silver With a Nebulizer



The study authors conclude by stating that electrically-generated colloidal silver appears to be effective against coronavirus even in its mutated forms. They wrote:


“The only known mechanism of resistance also appears to play no role notwithstanding the mutability of the coronavirus. Therefore no functional barrier to the

virotoxic effects of oligodynamic Ag1 may be expected regardless of the rapidity or variety of mutations.”


So it’s unlikely the coronavirus can mutate to the point that silver is not effective against it. But that’s still not all I’ve found. Let’s keep digging:


The European Patent


Did you know there’s actually an international patent, from a Japanese chemical manufacturing company, for using silver ions to inactivate the coronavirus on walls,

floors, countertops, clothing and other “touch surfaces”?


Well, there is, and you can read it, here:


Patent For Using Silver Ions Against Coronavirus


According to the patent, silver ions can be used to completely inactivate the coronavirus on surfaces. They write:


“The present invention relates to an anti-coronaviral agent that is effective in treating coronaviruses and can be mixed with plastics, paints and the like. It also

relates to an anti-coronaviral product made from fibers, resins and others that contain the anti-coronaviral agent.”


The researchers go on to say:


“…the problem can be solved by using a silver ion as an active ingredient and having the silver ion stably held by a carrier…which is useful for inactivating a

coronavirus, and also relates to a method for inactivating a coronavirus using the silver ion carrier according to the present invention.”


Pretty exciting stuff, right?


Silver ions – inactivates coronavirus on surfaces such as doorknobs and

countertops. So it would likely do so inside the human body, as well, don’t you think?


At the very least, if the new killer Chinese coronavirus becomes a true threat here in the Bahamas, you can spray colloidal silver on your home’s touch surfaces each

day (i.e., doorknobs, countertops, cutting boards, toilet seats, kitchen and bathroom sinks, etc.) in order to help stop the virus from being picked up and spread by others.


You could even run some colloidal silver in a cool mist vaporizer so silver ions would be spread as a mist throughout your home!


There’s a lot of peace of mind in that, don’t you think?



The Chinese Study


There’s also a very interesting clinical study out of China, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, in which researchers

 mixed silver nanoparticles with graphene (i.e., carbon atoms, known as fullerenes) and tested them against a coronavirus known to infect cats.


The researchers found that while graphene alone did not inhibit growth of the coronavirus very much, the graphene mixed with silver nanoparticles did.

This study, having been conducted on the feline coronavirus, reminds me of the time a reader wrote in about using colloidal silver to heal his cat that was afflicted

with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), which, according to Cornell University, is actually caused by a coronavirus.


The reader wrote me to say that while their veterinarian had pronounced a death sentence on the sick cat, the colloidal silver saved its life. Here’s what he wrote:

“Using the “standard” colloidal silver concentration , we have successfully

cured two different infections that conventional medicine has not consistently addressed.


In particular, Bruiser, our Japanese Bobtail, was sentenced to certain death by a local vet who declared that the kitty’s illness indicated by lab tests was FIP

(feline infectious peritonitis) and was incurable.


Three other vets confirmed the FIP and the death sentence, including an area alternative medicine vet who refused my suggestion to try colloidal silver, and abused

 the kitty with vitamin shots to no avail.


For the first few months after Bruiser’s veterinarians failed to successfully address the FIP, my wife and I gave him an eyedropper full (approximately 1 teaspoon)

several times daily. His appetite improved quickly and he started playing with his sister again, so we reduced the dosage to several times a week.


Bruiser is now another five years older (total six+ years) and is well and healthy. We occasionally fill an eye dropper and give him a drink if he seems to be feeling


We feel that colloidal silver performed miraculously, where conventional ‘cat medicine’ and veterinarians failed the test!”


– Dale T., CO


Remember, this cat had an “incurable” coronavirus infection, very similar to what’s infecting people in China right now. And we have a number of similar accounts in

 the hopper. Here’s one more quick one:


“Hi! I wanted to give you an update on ‘Ditto,’ my kitten with FIP. He’s been on the Silver since last year. He should be a year old around May, they aren’t

sure when he was born. He was pulled from his mom at a young age.


I’m just glad we ended up with him. Having FIP, most people just put them to sleep because it’s 100% fatal.


Well, the Colloidal Silver is keeping him alive. I’m so glad I came across your site. I will keep you posted as time goes on. THANK YOU!


BTW, at first, we just gave Ditto straight colloidal silver in place of her regular water, for a couple of days.


Then, we decreased the dosage to about a 1/2 cup of colloidal silver added to her water for the next couple of weeks.


When she was so sick she wasn’t drinking our eating, we had to give the colloidal silver to her through a medicine dropper. We gave her as much as she would take, and

 she actually loved it.”

– Shelly PB


Once again, don’t forget: FIP is caused by an “incurable” coronavirus that afflicts cats. Yet colloidal silver seems to be able to cure it quite handily. Which is good news for those of us who might be concerned about this new coronavirus coming out of China.



Ionic Silver Once Again Found Effective


Here’s an excerpt from a 2005 press release from a company called AgION Technologies, Inc., which had ionic silver lab-tested against the human coronavirus strain 229E

, which is often used in labs as a surrogate for the deadly SARS coronavirus:


AgION Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of engineered antimicrobial solutions, today announced that its research efforts have demonstrated that ionic silver was

found to effectively deactivate the human coronavirus strain 229E, a virus linked to SARS, during a laboratory study conducted by the University of Arizona.


The study, led by C.P. Gerba, Ph.D. and K.R. Bright, Ph.D., tested various ionic silver and copper levels to determine if they were effective against the human

coronavirus strain 229E, a strain commonly used as a surrogate for the SARS virus in laboratory research.


The research demonstrated significant reductions of the virus within 1 hour (90 percent) and reduced virus levels to below the detection limit following 24 hours

of exposure (99.99 percent).

‘These are very exciting results,” said Dr. Gerba. “The fact that the ionic silver is effective against this human coronavirus strain suggests that it may also be

effective in reducing the human SARS virus, which has caused widespread illness in numerous countries throughout the world. Since the compound is both safe and effective,

 there are countless potential applications.’


This study supports previous findings from research on the human SARS virus and the feline coronavirus. A 2003 study by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and

Prevention found the ionic silver completely deactivated the human SARS virus after 2 hours.


In addition, a laboratory study conducted by University of Arizona in 2003 found the ionic silver deactivated 99% of the feline coronavirus within 4 hours.


‘The research demonstrates that ionic silver has the potential to deactivate viruses in a relatively short period of time,’ said Jeff Trogolo, Ph.D., chief technology

 officer, AgION Technologies, Inc.”


As you can see, ionic silver – which is simply electrically-generated colloidal silver – deactivates the virus by a whopping 90% in just one hour, and 99% in 24 hours. Now

those are results I can live with!



The Final Solution?


Finally, two highly respected researchers, Dr. Eric Gordon, M.D. and Dr. Kent Holtorf, M.D., writing in the prestigious Townsend Letter for Doctors, believe colloidal

silver is the answer to many forms of viral infections, including serious upper respiratory viral infections and viral pandemics such as those caused by coronaviruses.


They wrote:


“During the past 300 years, humanity has suffered 10 pandemics and several epidemic scares. Could the solution to pandemics have a simple answer? Has Nature always

held the key to defeating pathogens in a simple Ag+ [i.e., ionic silver] molecule?”


They then point out in their scientific white paper titled “A Promising Cure for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Pandemics, Including the Avian Flu: Has the Final

Solution to the Coming Plagues Been Discovered?” that “the collective authoritative medical literature has documented efficacy of silver’s virotoxicity against over 24 viruses.”


What’s more, the authors state that the 200-plus viral strains known to cause upper respiratory tract infections, including most flu viruses, will also most likely

succumb to the powerful antiviral qualities of very small particles of “oligodynamic silver” (i.e., a medical reference to electrically-generated colloidal silver being extremely powerful even in small quantities).


In fact, the authors point out that silver is likely going to be the answer to any future global viral pandemic, stating:


“A broad-spectrum anti-viral agent that really works is needed to combat over 200 viruses that cause Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Undoubtedly oligodynamic

silver fits this bill…Emerging medical studies confirm the stellar, broad-spectrum virotoxic efficacy of oligodynamic silver both in vitro and in vivo.”


What’s more, the authors state that not only has silver been demonstrated to decimate many of the viruses associated with deadly viral infections, but it

has also been proven to decimate most of the well-known bacterial pathogens that cause serious secondary infections during a viral infection, including the following:



  •     Streptococcus pneumonia

  •     Corynebacterium diphtheria

  •     Neisseria gonorrhoeae

  •     Klebsiella pneumonia

  •     Haemophilus influenza

  •     Bordetella pertussis

  •     Mycobacterium (Tuberculosis)

  •     Inflammatory conditions of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat

  •     Spring Catarrh

  •     Pneumococci

  •     Pneumonia


It’s these secondary bacterial infections that often kill the infected individual, once the flu virus has sufficiently weakened the body.


But colloidal silver’s powerful, broad-spectrum anti-viral qualities covers such a wide range of viral pathogens you can easily see why the report’s authors – both respected medical doctors – refer to silver as “the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues.”


How Much Colloidal Silver I’d Take If

the Chinese Coronavirus Continues to Spread


As a prophylactic measure, I’d take one ounce of 10 ppm colloidal silver per day as a means of helping prevent the virus from taking hold inside my body should I

ever be exposed to it.


If I thought I’d already been infected with the Chinese coronavirus, I’d certainly consider taking the following four simple steps:


1.) I’d drink an ounce of colloidal silver up to four times per day.


2.) I’d nebulize colloidal silver into my lungs up to three or four times per day, for maybe five minutes at a time.


3.) I’d use a pump spray bottle with a fine mist nozzle to spray the various touch surfaces in my home with colloidal silver, i.e., kitchen countertops, sinks,

toilets, doorknobs, etc. – anything people in my home commonly touch throughout the course of a day.


4.)I’d get plenty of bed rest, and drink plenty of fluids, as per any other upper respiratory viral infection.



Now, those are just my thoughts. They’re not a “prescription” from me, so please don’t take it as being so. I’m not a doctor. I’m just a researcher that have a interest in natural healing and a long-time love for colloidal silver.

© 2025 Silver h2o Solutions (Pure Colloidal Silver)

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